
I am zombish(haha)


Currently none but if really want it would be finishing hols HW
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FUN, FUN and more FUN
Friday, July 10, 2009 Friday, July 10, 2009
Today was cool cos 8 people-Regina (who lives in Hougang), Wei Shi, Sherry, Yun Ting, Ming Yang, Wei Keong, Bee Siew and I were like playing table tennis and badminton at Yishun, outside Northland (kind of). Wei Shi+Bee Siew, in the process of playing TT=Noise pollution. Haha. And Regina was like just saying the neighbourhood was very peaceful. It was super fun to have so many people doing sports together. COOOL!!!!!!!

Anyway, like to apologise to those who waited for me for about 1-2 hours cos I had to settle some racal harmony cca participation thing. (Why must they have all these, especially that it is compulsory, Super irritating sia)

Oh actually simultaneous word problem stuff ting is kinda fun cos rather straight-forward. For now only la. Dunno whether they will make it more difficult. Hopefully not. Oh I think they will return the financial arithemetic test next week (gonna be so sucky)

Oh just realised I was like backtracking.

Anyway I love Bejeweled Blitz. Its super fun. --RANDOM--

Tuesday, July 07, 2009 Tuesday, July 7, 2009
After I dunno how many months, I'm BACK to post (for wat, I dunno) Haha. This blog is like dead and not dead lor. BTW today maths paper was shit/horrible/whateva else adjectives. Anyway not that it is difficult but instead its no time lor. Wonder how some people finished it. WTH la.

I WANT CCA TO START. (Thats random but who cares)

Oh today was kinda cool too. Ming Yang, Yun Ting, Wei Shi, Regina, Sherry and I went to this Indian stall outside Sch to eat. SOme of us, including me, ate mutton briyani which was bloody salty la. (Their salt free one is it?) Anyway, the funnier part was that Wei Shi ordered Mee Goreng which took super long to come and when it finally came, she said that it was too spicy and not up to standard. LOLZ.

Then after that we did Lit project (Not the climax) Then MY, YT, WS and I alighted at Khatib and someone suggested on a surprise visit to frens. LOL la. At first we went to Aaron's hse then he not in lor when he said he was at home and his mother was like kinda fierce. Then after that we decide to do Jia Xuan's hse. Luckily he was in so mission accomplished. Haha. Then we talked for a while then leave le. Its kinda memorable for us la.

Oh and I nearly like fall asleep during reading lesson today lor. I just can't read and not fall asleep lor. I dunno why?

Sports carnival
Friday, May 29, 2009 Friday, May 29, 2009
Firstly, congrats to Alvin who won two silvers.
Secondly, soccer team, do not be discouraged.

Thirdly, I was saboed to run for inter-cca race and guess wat, we got like 2nd last.

Before that we were playing badminton at YCK sports hall. Was super fun.

Yay. The hols are coming. I am so happy. Except for the HW part.
Oh ya, Happy Birthday Kelly! :)
The 2/5 boys and Mr koh
The 2/5 boys

2/5(but kinda blur)

Wow we are so united...

Stayed back until 6-plus
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ok. Y did we pple (don't feel like mentioning the names) stay back. Cos we were doing the class banner. Erm... Aaron was emoing big time today lor. At first he was fine, playing with his kinder joy toys. But after that while we were painting, Aaron fell asleep and only woke up after a long while. After he woke up, he did not talk much(emo-er). Oh and his facebook he wrote that he should make Tues his emo-day. Lolz.

We shall backtrack a little... during lunch, this random stalker of Iylia called her then Iylia asked Aaron to answer it and he said a few words and put down. Then after that Aaron requested to call that guy again then he was like saying he is the most awesome person and added some other stuff. (Only pple that were there will know. It was super funny lor)

Oh good luck for the pple playing soccer and those running this Friday :)

Hols are coming
Saturday, May 23, 2009 Saturday, May 23, 2009
Yay hols are coming. I'm happy but have a lot of HW. Yay but there is training. Woopee :) I don't like D&T NOW. Cos only now then so much researching to do. That sucks. Must chiong it like tmr. Hope can complete. Oh my English so suck lor. Hw is piling in again. Haizz

Long long time
Sunday, May 17, 2009 Sunday, May 17, 2009
Exams are finally over. We can all enjoy. Yipeee. Will be going to Marina Barrage tomorrow. Hope all of us will enjoy ourselves. Training should be resuming. Can't wait sia. So long never play liao. The exams ar...ok la. Dunno la. Exams are like so unpredictable. A few more day to the official opening of our class tee. Woohoo. I am like dunno what to write sia so I shall end off...


Bad Day
Monday, April 27, 2009 Monday, April 27, 2009
I woke up and had jelly legs. Felt like fainting lor. Then went to school. In train, nearly could not take it. Lucky I managed to. In school during assembly. As usual, the key persons were talking. Then I felt super weak. Then we started singing the national anthem. Halfway through, I counld not take it anymore, I did not want to black out and so I squatted down. Felt much better. After a while Lu lao Shi came and brought me away to a bench with Yida supporting me too. Lu Lao Shi is nice. HAHA. Then after that Mdm Hee came and brought me to the GO where she gave me a cup of milo. Now feeling better liao. Hate being sick.

Another incident...
Did no happen to me. During phototaking, Yida had a nose-bleed. Had to use many tissues to stop it. I think the weather is terrible. Too hot and we must drink more water. YOu can't change the weather but you can change yourself.

Yet another incident...
Did reading task after school. Went to the lab happily as we counld finally complete it. And guess what. When we open the podcast. Some tracks were missing while others were jumbled up. Regina and I were pissed. We tried to mend it but when you save and open it, it goes back to square one. How annoying can it get. So we have to stay back on one of the days to complete it. Argggggg



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